In contrast with traditional nonlinear optics, a peak at the spectral position of the second harmonic of a laser can also be generated in an inversion-symmetric medium in the regime of extreme nonlinear optics. We describe the underlying mechanism of such third-harmonic generation in disguise of secondharmonic generation and compare theory with the optical as well as the radio-frequency spectra measured in recent experiments on thin ZnO films. The peak at twice the carrier-envelope offset frequency in the radio-frequency spectra is shown to be an unambiguous signature of such a process. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.217404 PACS numbers: 78.47.+p, 42.50.Md, 42.65.Re Inversion symmetry has strict consequences in traditional nonlinear optics, but more relaxed ones in the regime of extreme nonlinear optics [1]. Consider an incident pulse with electric field E t Ẽ E t cos ! 0 t . E E t is the envelope of the pulse, the cosine term is the carrier wave with a carrier frequency ! 0 and a carrierenvelope offset (CEO) phase [2 -4]. Second-harmonic generation (SHG), i.e., a contribution with a carrier frequency 2! 0 , is forbidden in an inversion-symmetric material. In traditional nonlinear optics, the spectral width of the envelope of the generated wave is much smaller than ! 0 . Thus, a peak at a spectrometer frequency 2! 0 cannot occur. In contrast with this, in extreme nonlinear optics, the spectral width of the envelope can approach ! 0 or even exceed it. Equivalently, the electric field itself governs the behavior rather than the light intensity. Thus, the envelope of third-harmonic generation (THG) with carrier frequency 3! 0 can, e.g., lead to a low-frequency sideband (or a strong contribution) at spectrometer frequency 2! 0 -even for an inversion-symmetric material. This phenomenon is called ''THG in disguise of SHG'' in what follows.Indeed, a number of theoretical studies have dealt with this problem [5][6][7][8][9][10]. To the best of our knowledge, however, no corresponding experimental results in the regime of extreme nonlinear optics have been discussed.How could one unambiguously distinguish THG in disguise of SHG from usual SHG? The laser pulse itself has phase by definition, the usual SHG has phase 2 (even if it originates from, e.g., a 4 process), and the third harmonic has phase 3 -although it may exhibit a peak at spectrometer frequency 2! 0 . Thus, the beat note of the usual SHG with the fundamental has a difference phase , that of the THG in disguise of SHG and the fundamental has a difference phase 2 . For pulses out of a mode-locked laser oscillator, oscillates with the CEO frequency f [2 -4]. Hence, usual SHG would lead to a beat note at frequency f in the radio-frequency (rf) spectrum, THG in disguise of SHG to a beat note at 2f . Thus, a peak at frequency 2f is an unambiguous experimental signature of THG in disguise of SHG.In this Letter, we (i) describe the mechanism in more detail that can lead to THG in disguise of SHG in an inversion-symmetric medium. Next (ii), we apply this physics to a ...