The series of Tm2−xTbxFe14B compounds with tetragonal crystal structure was selected for studies as it contains a mix of competing rare-earth ions which are characterized by exactly opposite values of the Stevens coefficient, αJ , a parameter which corresponds, however indirectly, to macroscopic magnetic anisotropy of the whole compound in which this ion is built in. Thulium (αJ > 0) exhibits strong planar magnetic anisotropy while terbium (αJ < 0) exhibits strong axial magnetic anisotropy. Following earlier studies for Er-based compounds, a series of Tm-based compounds with x = 0, 0.1, 0.3 was synthesized as they were likely to show spin reorientation process, allowing to study a path of the transition, angle of conical arrangement, and an influence of αJ on the spin reorientation process. All compounds were studied with 57 Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy in the temperature range 80-330 K with precision scanning in the vicinity of the spin transition. Experimental data were processed using simultaneous fitting procedure which includes a flipping and rotation of spins during the reorientation process. A computer simulation of spin reorientation process based on the Yamada-Kato model was conducted. As a summary, a spin arrangement diagram was constructed.