In this paper we give new information about the conjugacy vector of the group ©", the Sylow p-subgroup of GL(n, q) consisting of the upper unitriangular matrices. The first two components of this vector are given in [4]. Here, we obtain the third component, that is, the number of conjugacy classes whose centralizer has q" +l elements. Besides, we give the whole set of numbers which compose this vector:We keep the definitions and notations of [2][3][4]. We recall that an element a tJ of a matrix A e ©" is a pivot if it is the first nonzero element in its row, out of the main diagonal, that is a iJc = 0 for k = i + 1 , . . . , ; ' -1 and a it =£0. In addition we introduce the following sets of indices;If A e ©" is a canonical matrix, we shall use the letters X = X(A) and JR = ?R(A) to denote the sets of inert and ramification points of A, respectively.