Abstract-The nonlinear electromagnetic inverse scattering problem of reconstructing a possibly quasi-piecewise constant inhomogeneous complex permittivity profile is solved by iterative minimization of a pixel-based data fit cost function. Because of the ill-posedness it is necessary to introduce some form of regularization. Many authors apply a smoothing constraint on the reconstructed permittivity profile, but such regularization smooths away sharp edges. In this paper, a simple yet effective regularization strategy, the value picking (VP) regularization, is proposed. This new technique is capable of reconstructing piecewise constant permittivity profiles without degrading the edges. It is based on the knowledge that only a few different permittivity values occur in such profiles, the values of which need not be known in advance. VP regularization does not impose this a priori information in a strict sense, such that it can be applied also to profiles that are only approximately piecewise constant. The VP regularization is introduced in the solution of the inverse problem by adding a choice function to the data fit cost function for every permittivity unknown in the discretized problem. When minimized, the choice function forces the corresponding permittivity unknown to be close to one member of a set of auxiliary variables, the VP values, which are continuously updated throughout the iterations. To minimize the regularized cost function, a half quadratic Gauss-Newton optimization technique is presented. Finally, a stepwise relaxed VP regularization scheme is proposed, in which the number of VP values is gradually increased. This scheme is tested with synthetic and measured scattering data, obtained from inhomogeneous 3-D targets, and is shown to achieve high reconstruction quality.