1 The limbal epithelium of the cornea is enriched in pigmentation, vascularization, and innervation.2 The SCs of the corneal epithelium are located in the basal epithelial layer of the limbus between the cornea and the conjunctiva, whereas the TACs are located at the corneal basal epithelium.3 Such a unique compartmentalization facilitates studies showing differences between limbal SC and corneal TAC in the expression of keratins 3 and 12, 3-5 connexin 43 (Cx43)-mediated gap junction intercellular communication, 6 and the nuclear transcription factor of p63, 7 the cell cycle length, 8 differential responses to tumorpromoting phorbol esters, 9 cell size, 10 and ex vivo expansion supported by 3T3 fibroblast feeder layers 11,12 or by amniotic membrane.