The main objects of the paper are z-oriented triangulations of connected closed 2dimensional surfaces. A z-orientation of a map is a minimal collection of zigzags which double covers the set of edges. We have two possibilities for an edge -zigzags from the z-orientation pass through this edge in different directions (type I) or in the same direction (type II). Then there are two types of faces in a triangulation: the first type is when two edges of the face are of type I and one edge is of type II and the second type is when all edges of the face are of type II. We investigate z-oriented triangulations with all faces of the first type (in the general case, any z-oriented triangulation can be shredded to a z-oriented triangulation of such type). A zigzag is homogeneous if it contains precisely two edges of type I after any edge of type II. We give a topological characterization of the homogeneity of zigzags; in particular, we describe a one-to-one correspondence between z-oriented triangulations with homogeneous zigzags and closed 2-cell embeddings of directed Eulerian graphs in surfaces. At the end, we give an application to one type of the z-monodromy.