Because of the deployment of heterogeneous sensors in intelligent environments, the fusion and information processing means an arduous and complex process. The data fusion of sensors and the design of processing information in real time are key aspects in order to generate feasible solutions. In order to shed light on this context, we present an approach for distributing and processing heterogeneous data based on a representation with fuzzy linguistic terms. In this way, the heterogeneous data from sensor streams are computed and summarized based on fuzzy temporal aggregations ubiquitously within mobile and ambient devices. This innovative approach provides an intuitive linguistic representation of mobile and ambient sensors as well as implies a drastic reduction of the communication burden. In order to provide high scalability in network communication, the information from sensor is spread under the publication-subscription paradigm, where subscribers receive asynchronous events when the aggregation degree of the linguistic terms overcomes a threshold (alpha-cut). Finally, in order to illustrate the usefulness and effectiveness of our proposal, we present the results of the fuzzy temporal aggregation of sensor streams with alpha-cut subscriptions in a case study where an inhabitants performs an daily activities in an intelligent environment. . 2017; :e32 . 30 38 1 of 17 2 J. MEDINA-QUERO, L. MARTINEZ AND M. ESPINILLA(Z-Wave, ZigBee, and bluetooth) in light sensors, or WLAN (6LoWPAN) protocols in vision or audio sensors. Because of this diversity, a second key aspect is the models and structures of knowledge representation. They are required by information processing of sensors to generate richer and higher-level information [7]. Several approaches have been proposed to manage these issues, in which the efforts have been focused on providing general or ad hoc models. In respect of the standard structural models, it is noteworthy SensorML [8], developed by Open Geospatial Consortium that includes geolocation or discovering by means of XML schema. Concerning the semantic annotating for sensors, it is relevant the W3C Semantic Sensor Networks specifications [9, 10]. On data modeling, the development of ontologies have been adapted to (i) requirements of a particular domains [11][12][13][14][15] and (ii) general models to provide scientist interoperability [16] and enterprise interoperability [17].Furthermore, it is essential to consider a third key aspect that is the distributed information processing of sensors. The adequate distribution of services in ambient environments is crucial to provide sensitivity to real time [18] when the information processing is distributed in different central processing units [19,20]. In this area, the middleware highlights as an infrastructure, in which the sensor streams from ambient and mobile devices are connected by remote services in distributed environments. Specifically, the Publish-Subscribe paradigm has been demonstrated to be adequate for IoT [21], where subscribers receiv...