This article deals with installations with complex and nonstandard executive instrument movement. Having analyzed the technical implementation and operational features of cold-rolling pipe mills, the research team formulated the problem of synthesizing electric drives of auxiliary mechanisms. It is shown that the conditions for choosing a mechanical converter are associated with the oscillation of the processes of the electric drive system. The finite element method and the gradient descent method are used for structural analysis of solids and electromagnetic calculations. The data of the specific cost of semiconductor converters were analyzed using a linear least-squares regression technique. The advantages of a synchronous reluctance motor of independent excitation for the electric drives of auxiliary mechanisms are given and substantiated. The optimization of the geometrical parameters of the electromechanical converter was carried out according to the maximum developed electromagnetic torque. Modern semiconductor technology in the design of special-purpose electric drives leads to a revision of the principles for determining the optimal number of phases and the structure of the motor power supply. The rationale for the use of multilevel frequency converters is given. Taking into account an in-depth preliminary analysis and an integrated approach, these tasks were successfully completed, which was confirmed experimentally at the implementation of the developed system.