The fractional quantum Hall (FQH) effect was discovered in twodimensional electron systems subject to a large perpendicular magnetic field nearly four decades ago. It helped launch the field of topological phases, and in addition, because of the quenching of the kinetic energy, gave new meaning to the phrase "correlated matter". Most FQH phases are gapped like insulators and superconductors; however, a small subset with even denominator fractional fillings ν of the Landau level, typified by ν = 1/2, are found to be gapless, with a Fermi surface akin to metals. We discuss our results, obtained numerically using the infinite-Density Matrix Renormalization Group (iDMRG) scheme, on the effect of non-isotropic distortions with discrete Nfold rotational symmetry of the Fermi surface at zero magnetic field on the Fermi surface of the correlated ν = 1/2 state. We find that while the response for N = 2 (elliptical) distortions is significant (and in agreement with experimental observations with no adjustable parameters), it decreases very rapidly as N is increased. Other anomalies, like resilience to breaking the Fermi surface into disjoint pieces, are also found. This highlights the difference between Fermi surfaces formed from the kinetic energy, and those formed of purely potential energy terms in the Hamiltonian.Keywords fractional quantum Hall effect · two dimensional electron gas · Fermi surface