Interval-valued computing is a new computing paradigm that is based on manipulations of interval-values. Interval-values are finite unions of intervals on the unit interval [0, 1) so this kind of computing can be considered as a continuous space machine like optical computing [25]. Based on the massive parallelism of this paradigm, various intractable problems can be solved efficiently, i.e., by polynomial number of steps. In this paper, the well-known complexity classes, N P and coN P are addressed. A specific subclass of polynomial size interval-valued computations is proven to characterize N P , that is, exactly languages with non-deterministically polynomial time complexity can be decided by interval-valued computations of this subclass. This specific subclass of interval-valued computations does not use any of the shift operators, moreover the product operator is used only in the starting section of the computation. Due to the fact that interval-valued computing is a deterministic model of computing, an analogue result can be established for the class coN P .