Purpose:to find connection between level of cognitive functions realization and successfulness of choreography functions formation in junior dancers.
Material:32 dancers (16 pair) were tested. Sportsmen's age was 15-16 years; qualification -from first category to candidate master of sports of Ukraine.
Results:it was found that functional state of successful sportsmen is manifested in nervous system's high workability, emotional optimization and feeling of personal comfort. Success of junior dancers is conditioned by high cognitive functions: attention, quickness of visual perception, high operative and logic thinking, when processing verbal information. Besides, it is conditioned by quickness of responding to irritator in non-verbal cognitive test. Attention worsens in successful dancers at the account of increase of information processing quickness. It reflects in weakening of effectiveness and stability of test for non-verbal information processing fulfillment.
Conclusions:successfulness of technical skillfulness formation depends on cognitive functions and opportunities for their realization: high attention, quickness of visual perception and operative and logic thinking in processing of verbal (non-verbal) information and taking decisions.