Cx30.2 protein content and localization were assessed during development. An account of Cx30.2, Cx43, Cx46, and Cx50, and insulin receptor (IR) responses to Cx30.2, Cx46, or Cx50 deficiency in mouse interstitial tissue (ITf)- and seminiferous tubule-enriched fractions (STf) is given. The impact of high glucose/insulin on Cx30.2 was investigated in spontaneously diabetic and obese db/db and ob/ob mouse testis and anterior pituitary (AP). Cx30.2 labeled contacts in vascular endothelial and Leydig cells and Sertoli cell junctions in stage V–VII. Cx30.2 expression is regulated differently in the interstitium and tubules. Cx30.2 at 30-kDa levels peaked by 28 days in ITf and by 14 days in STf. In STf, deleting Cx30.2 decreased Cx43 and Cx50, whereas deleting Cx50 downregulated Cx30.2. The opposite occurred in ITf. In STf, deleting Cx30.2 upregulated Cx46 except the full-length reciprocally, deleting Cx46 upregulated Cx30.2. In ITf, Cx30.2 deficiency upregulated full-length and phosphorylated Cx46, whereas deleting Cx46 downregulated 48- to 50-kDa Cx30.2. The db/db and ob/ob mouse ITf, STf, and AP showed imbalanced Cx30.2 levels. IRα levels at 135 kDa declined in Cx30.2−/− and Cx50−/− mouse ITf and Cx46−/− and Cx50−/− STf. IRβ at 98 to 110 kDa dropped in Cx30.2−/− and Cx46−/− mice STf suggesting that Cx30.2 deficiency decreases active IR sites. The results show the connexins interdependence and interaction and that altering a single connexin changes the remaining connexins expression, which can modify gap junction-mediated glucose exchanges in contacting cells. Data suggest that glucose/insulin influences Cx30.2 turnover in testis and AP and, reciprocally, that connexins modulate testis glucose uptake and response to insulin.