The Cariboo gold belt of east-central British Columbia is divided into four fault-bounded sequences of distinct stratigraphy. They are, from east to west, the Cariboo (continental-shelf sediments), Barkerville (continental-shelf sediments and intercalated volcanics), Slide Mountain (rift-related submarine pillow basalt, chert, and diorite) and Quesnel (island-arc sediments and subaqueous volcanics) terranes. Each is separated from others by thrust faults. Grit, phyllite, limestone, and volcanics of the Barkerville terrane may be correlative with the Eagle Bay Formation near Adams Lake and the Lardeau Group near Kootenay Lake. Barkerville terrane may be part of a more regional rock package, Selkirk terrane, which is defined to include Kootenay terrane, Badshot Formation, and Horsethief Creek and Hamill groups. Selkirk terrane is (i) separated everywhere by a low-angle fault from the overlying age-equivalent but stratigraphically and structurally different Cariboo terrane and (ii) separated by a system of faults in the general location of the Southern Rocky Mountain Trench from the age-equivalent but stratigraphically and structurally different North American terrane of the Rocky Mountains.