“…Let a 1 , • • • , a k be the entries in the first column of T, written in increasing order, i.e., top to bottom; and b 1 , • • • , b n−k the entries in the second column, also written be parabolic subgroups of LG corresponding to the subsets D\{α 0 }, D\{α d }, and D\{α 0 , α d } respectively. Following [LS17], there exists an embedding φ : T * X X w → LG /P such that φ(T * X X w ) is an open subset of some Schubert subvariety of LG /P. Further, we can identify the structure map π and the Springer map µ as the restriction to φ(T * X X w ) of the quotient maps π d : LG /P → LG /G d and π 0 : LG /P → LG /G0 respectively.…”