Health Service waste is the environmental liability, coming from the various health services whose characteristics may endanger human health or ecosystems. The methodology applied was a questionnaire for all those responsible for the sectors and nursing team, which aimed to identify the level of knowledge regarding the issues of waste management, evaluation and management analysis. As a quality tool for assessing the impacts of management, the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action), GUT (Gravity, Urgency, Trend) and 5W2H (What, When, Why, Where, Who, How, How Much). It was observed in the studied area that there is a lack of information regarding the generation of waste and this contributes to an inadequate management of RSS, which can cause risks to the worker, public health and the environment. Considering the use of quality tools, qualitative, quantitative and management aspects, it was possible to gather data to elaborate a strategy that results in an improvement in the management of this waste. This improvement is outlined in line with the guidelines of the current legislation and as a basis the principle to make the processes involved in executing RSS management more clear and agile. The results obtained were able to generate contributions to the definition of programs and projects, focusing on actions monitored, mitigated and avoided, and based on scientific and technical bases, aim at the protection of the employees of this hospital, the preservation of public health, preservation of natural resources and environmental preservation.