“…At the same time, other scholars see no relationship between democracy and conscription. Pfaffenzeller (2010, 491) argues that there is “no strong evidence of a functional linkage between conscription and democracy,” but this is based on an analysis of only sixty-three countries, and only of conscription in 2006, not a country-year analysis over 200 years, as this study provides. In an analysis of eighty-eight countries, 1985 to 1996, Mulligan and Shleifer (2005, 85) find that “conscription does not seem to be influenced by democracy.” In a larger sample of countries, and over a longer period of time, it is possible that the majority opinion of the democracy school (that democracies are less likely to conscript) will hold, so we test the following hypothesis. - Hypothesis 1: The more democratic a country is, the less likely it is to impose the draft.