Background and Purpose-Several studies have reported on the correlation of ultrasonic carotid plaque morphology, cerebrovascular symptoms, and intraplaque hemorrhage. This study correlates ultrasonic carotid plaque morphology with the degree of carotid stenosis. Methods-Carotid arteries (nϭ2460) were examined by using color duplex ultrasound during a 1-year period. Carotid stenoses were classified into Ͻ50%, 50% to Ͻ60%, 60% to Ͻ70%, and Ͼ70% to 99%. Ultrasonic plaque morphology was characterized as either heterogeneous (mixed hyperechoic, hypoechoic, and isoechoic) or homogeneous. Results-Heterogeneous plaques were noted in 138 of 794 arteries with Ͻ50% stenosis, in 191 of 564 arteries with 50%to Ͻ60% stenosis, in 301 of 487 arteries with 60% to Ͻ70% stenosis, and in 496 of 615 arteries with 70% to 99% stenosis. The higher the degree of stenosis, the more likely it is to be associated with heterogeneous plaques.Heterogeneous plaques were present in 59% of the arteries with Ն50% stenoses versus 17% of the arteries with Ͻ50% stenoses, in 72% of the arteries with Ն60% stenoses versus 24% of the arteries with Ͻ60% stenosis, and in 80% of the arteries with Ն70% stenoses versus 34% of the arteries with Ͻ70% stenoses (PϽ0.0001 and odds ratios of 6.9, 8.1, and 8.0, respectively). Heterogeneous plaques were associated with an incidence of symptoms that was higher than that for homogeneous plaques for all grades of stenoses; percentages were, respectively, as follows: 68% versus 16% for Ͻ50% stenosis; 76% versus 21% for 50% to Ͻ60% stenosis; 79% versus 23% for 60% to Ͻ70% stenosis, and 86% versus 31% for Ն70% to 99% stenosis (PϽ0.0001 and odds ratios of 8.9, 11.9, 12.6, and 13.7, respectively). Heterogeneity of plaques was more positively correlated with symptoms than with any degree of stenosis (regardless of plaque structure). Eighty percent of all heterogeneous plaques were symptomatic versus 58% for all stenoses Ն50%, 68% for all stenoses Ն60%, and 75% for all stenoses Ն70% (PϽ0.0001, PϽ0.0001, and Pϭ0.02, respectively). Conclusions-The higher the degree of carotid stenosis, the more likely it is to be associated with ultrasonic heterogeneous plaque and cerebrovascular symptoms. Heterogeneity of the plaque was more positively correlated with symptoms than with any degree of stenosis. These findings suggest that plaque heterogeneity should be considered in selecting patients for carotid endarterectomy.