Aim: This paper aims to propose Park's sweet spot theory-driven implementation strategy, which makes optimal safe staffing policy really work in nursing practice. Background: For the last 40 years, mainstream nursing workforce research has emphasized that having more registered nurses leads to better patient outcomes, and yet staffing policies have failed to implement this crucial concept. Meanwhile, global nursing shortages have become rampant, a problem that only dilutes the skill-mix ratios in the nursing workforce. Low fertility and an aging population worldwide are then accelerating these shortages. These dire circumstances may be persisting because of unclear, unsubstantiated cost-efficiency in the nursing workforce. For this reason, there remains a dearth of well-researched evidence for a clear threshold on optimal safe staffing levels that could maximize quality of care relative to cost given limited healthcare financial budgets and which could also be fitted into each care setting. Along with that, an implementation strategy for optimal safe staffing levels is nonexistent. Sources of evidence: An implementation strategy has been developed through interdisciplinary consilience-based theory synthesis of both prospective theory and regulatory focus theory combined with Park's optimized nursing staffing (sweet spot) estimation theory. Discussion/conclusions: A theory-driven novel implementation strategy is proposed, which functions as a nudge strategy that uses the synchronous balance of quality of care, nurse staffing, and cost. It illustrates (1) how to create shared value among patients, nurses, and stakeholders through robust evidence-based, informed shared decisionmaking rationales on the optimal safe nurse staffing levels and (2) how to induce stakeholders to overcome resistance to innovation and improve their nursing workforce through value chain in management science. Implications for nursing workforce policy: This novel implementation strategy may be a viable solution to mitigate the nursing shortage by leading stakeholders (1) to compete with each other (on the basis of nursing sufficiency) and (2) to competitively demonstrate the patient-centered value (patient-perceived care quality relative to cost) of their institutions.