S Su ur rg gi ic ca al l a an nd d p po os st to op pe er ra at ti iv ve e f fo ol ll lo ow w--u up p r re es su ul lt ts s f fo or r d da ay y c ca as se e l li ig ga at ti io on n o of f p pa at te en nt t d du uc ct tu us s a ar rt te er ri io os su us s i in n 2 20 0 l lo ow w w we ei ig gh ht t p pr re em ma at tu ur re e p pa at ti ie en nt ts s C Ca an n V Vu ur ra an n, , C Ca an na an n A Ay ya ab ba ak ka an n, , U Uy yg ga ar r Y Yö ör rü ük ke er r, , E Em mr re e Ö Öz zk ke er r, , B Bü ül le en nt t S Sa ar ri it ta afl fl, , Ç Ça a¤ ¤r r› › G Gü ün na ay yd d› ›n n, , A Ay yd da a T Tü ür rk kö öz z C Ce em m P Pa ak ke et tç çi i* *, , Ö Öz zl le em m S Sa ar r› ›s so oy y, , O O¤ ¤u uz z O Om ma ay y, , N N. . K Kü ür rfl fla at t T To ok ke el l, , R R› ›z za a T Tü ür rk kö öz z O Or ri ig gi in na al l A Ar rt ti ic cl le e S Su um mm ma ar ry y Aim: We aimed to evaluate premature babies who were referred to us for closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and who were then transferred back in the early postoperative period. Material and Method: 20 preterm babies from six centers underwent PDA closure in the operating room. After obtaining approval from the local ethics committee, the cases were evaluated retrospectively. The mean weight was 650-1850 (1248,6±398,3) grams. The distance to these centers was 5-50(23,4±20,29) kilometers and the mean travel time was 2,5-28(12,57±11,44) minutes. In statistical analysis; correlation analysis, t and Mann-Whitney U tests were used. Results: There was no surgical or early mortality. All patients were transferred back within 24 hours. In the first two weeks, 13 (65%) babies were successfully weaned from mechanical ventilation support. 3 (15%) babies were lost in the late term due to sepsis and intracranial bleeding. There was no morbidity and mortality except for the one patient who had pneumothorax. All other patients were sent back to their reference centers in the first 24 hours after surgery.
Conclusions:As the technology of patient transport vehicles and instruments develops and the skills of the medical personnel improve, the cardiac centers have the opportunity to safely operate low birth weight babies followed up in other centers. (Turk Arch Ped 2011; 46: 117-21)