For a rigorous approach to reconcile principles of general relativity (GR) and quantum mechanics (QM), we suggest applying the generalized relativistic noncommutative Heisenberg algebra on spacetime coordinates and momenta of a test particle on curved Riemann geometry manifold, which in turn is extended to an eight-dimensional manifold. The natural generalization of the four-dimensional Riemann geometry is the Finsler geometry, in which the quadratic restriction on the length measure is relaxed. With the minimum measurable length derived from the relativistic generalized four-dimensional uncertainty principle, the quantum-induced corrections to the fundamental tensor could be determined in the relativistic regime. Accordingly, the affine connections could be revisited. With the quantum-induced revisiting Riemann curvature tensor and its contractions, the Ricci curvature tensor, and then the Ricci scalar, we have been able to construct a quantum-induced revision of the Einstein tensor, in which besides quantum-induced corrections, additional geometric structures emerge. On the surface of the 2-sphere, we compared the quantum-induced revisiting and non-revisiting Einstein tensor and concluded that the difference between both versions strongly depends on the minimum measurable length and the local geodesics of the test particle through the additional curvature.
K E Y W O R D Salternatives to general relativity, general relativity in relativistic quantum regime, generalized noncommutative Heisenberg algebra, reconciling principles of quantum mechanics with general relativity