Frequent visit of doctors during pandemicis not recommended due to COVID-19 scenario. Internet of Things (IoT) based sensors can be used to measure andto do certain tests at home. The blockchain-based strategy promises to aid in the delivery of health-care services while maintaining data privacy. To maintain transparency in the health record, medications, claim history, etc., up-to-dated distributed ledger is required. Doctors have sometimes necessitate patients to undergo lab tests or buy drugs from those organisations merely in order to generate personal profit, even if the medical shop or pathology labs have a bad reputation. Therefore, blockchain technology provides trust among multiple parties so that any party could not be misguided. At times, the patient visits the hospital in critical condition and they may not be in situation to explain about medical history. In such scenario, the information stored in distributed leger may be helpful to the doctors for further treatment. The medical emergencies such as cardiac arrest and breathing issues, the patient requires immediate treatment or medicine at his/her location, the intelligent drone is useful for faster delivery of medicines and needed medical accessories.