L m ϭx m ץ x , L n ϭy n ץ y , n,mϾ1, ͑54͒also produces the solution from the solution of the wave equation ͑48͒. According to Proposition 5.1 we obtain the currents connected with deformed conformalwhich fulfill the conservation law:The operators L m and L n add to the set of conserved currents the following expressions:J m ϭ⌽Ј⌫ ͑ ץ,ץ ឈ † ͒L m ⌽, J n ϭ⌽Ј⌫ ͑ ץ,ץ ឈ † ͒L n ⌽, n,mϾ1. ͑57͒
B. The conserved currents for scalar wave equation on q-Minkowski spaceLet us now pass to the scalar wave equation on q-Minkowski space. We have studied this equation in Ref. 16 within the framework given by Azcárraga, Kulish, and Rodenas. 17,18 Now we 4171