A study was performed of the reactions
of protonated acetic acid
hydrates, CH3COOHH+(H2O)
, with acetone molecules, CH3COCH3, using a selected ion flow-drift tube (SIFDT). The rationale
for this study is that hydrated protonated organic molecules are major
product ions in secondary electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
(SESI-MS) and ion mobility spectrometry (IMS). Yet the formation and
reactivity of these hydrates are only poorly understood, and kinetics
data are only sparse. The existing SIFDT instrument in our laboratory
was upgraded to include an octupole ion guide and a separate drift
tube by which hydrated protonated ions can be selectively injected
into the drift tube reactor and their reactions with molecules studied
under controlled conditions. This case study shows that, in these
hydrated ion reactions with acetone molecules, the dominant reaction
process is ligand switching producing mostly proton-bound dimer ions
(CH3COCH3)H+(CH3COOH), with minor branching into (CH3COCH3)H+(H2O). This switching reaction was observed
to proceed at the collisional rate, while other studied hydrated ions
reacted more slowly. An attempt is made to understand the reaction
mechanisms and the structures of the reaction intermediate ions at
the molecular level. Secondary switching reactions of the asymmetric
proton-bound dimer ions lead to a formation of strongly bound symmetrical
dimers (CH3COCH3)2H+,
the terminating ion in this ion chemistry. These results strongly
suggest that, in SESI-MS and IMS, the presence of a polar compound,
like acetone in exhaled breath, can suppress the analyte ions of low
concentration compounds like acetic acid thus compromising their quantification.