The effects of collision energy, vibrational mode, and vibrational angular momentum on energy transfer and dissociation in N O 2 + -rare gas collisions: An experimental and trajectory study J. Chem. Phys. 125, 133115 (2006); 10.1063/1.2229207Collision-induced nonadiabatic transitions in the second-tier ion-pair states of iodine molecule: Experimental and theoretical study of the I 2 ( f 0 g + ) collisions with rare gas atomsWe describe a new molecular beam-luminescence method for measuring state-resolved cross sections for the quenching of metastable noble gas atoms, and report values for ''dark'' collisions of Ng*( 3 P 2 , 3 P 0 ) with O 2 (X 3 ⌺ g Ϫ ), where NgϭAr, Kr, and Xe. Cross sections for quenching Q and, in some cases, cross sections for excited products * are also given for a number of state-specific, luminescent monitor reactions. The elastic reaction of Ng* with He or Ne is employed to correct the total disappearance cross section Q T for viewing losses caused by nonquenching processes. The velocity-averaged, quenching cross section Q Q is obtained by subtracting the nonquenching cross section Q N from Q T . Values of Q Q measured at average relative velocity ḡ ͑average relative kinetic energy Ē͒ are deconvoluted to yield Q (ḡ). For Ar* collisions with O 2 , we find Q [ 3 P 2 ] values of 35.6Ϯ1.8 Å 2 for ḡ (Ē) between 690 and 2000 m/s ͑50 and 350 meV͒ that gradually decrease above 2000 m/s, and Q [ 3 P 0 ] values of 46Ϯ4 Å 2 between 690 and 830 m/s ͑50 and 70 meV͒. For Kr* collisions, we report Q [ 3 P 2 ] values of 38.1Ϯ2.5 Å 2 between 575 and 810 m/s ͑46 and 87 meV͒ with no apparent velocity dependence, and a Q [ 3 P 0 ] value of 56Ϯ7 Å 2 at 576 m/s ͑46 meV͒. For Xe* collisions, we find Q [ 3 P 2 ] values of 48Ϯ3 Å 2 at 535 m/s ͑44 meV͒ and 38Ϯ2 Å 2 at 697 m/s ͑73 meV͒, and a Q [ 3 P 0 ] value of ϳ125 Å 2 at 535 m/s ͑44 meV͒. Comparisons with Q values obtained with other techniques that do not require a viewing loss correction are excellent. We also use the Ionic-Intermediate-Curve-Crossing Model ͑IICCM͒ to calculate cross sections for the Ar*( 3 P 2 )ϩO 2 →ArϩO*( 1 D)ϩO( 3 P) reaction. In our application of the model, the product state dissociative continuum is coupled to Ar ϩ O 2 Ϫ through the predissociating O 2 *(E 3 ⌺ u Ϫ ) state that is valence Rydberg in character. Values of Q derived from the model are in good agreement with our experiment.