Haryana is the second-largest producer of wheat within the country, with approximately 12 percent of total wheat production. The production of wheat in Haryana was 11.9 metric tonnes and productivity 4786 kg ha-1from an area of 2.53 million hectares (Anon, 2020). The nutrient supplying capacity of the soil and fertilizers application schedule plays a vital role within the production potential of wheat. Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) plays a vital role in increasing the organic carbon, biological, physical and chemical properties of soil. The results revealed from the research conducting during rabi season 2019-20 reported that the higher plant height (95.7 cm) at maturity with WH 283, followed by WH 1105 (92.7 cm) and Raj 3765(85.5 cm), while lower values were recorded with NABI Black(77.5 cm). The utmost yield parameters viz., spike length (12.7 cm), spikes per m2 (368.1), and test weight (44.0 g) were recorded with wheat WH 1105. The maximum yield (44.9 q ha-1), straw yield (59.9 q ha-1), and harvest index (41.4%) were recorded with the application of 100% recommended dose of N fertilizer as 150 kg ha-1.