Vastus medialis (VM) muscle dysfunction and abnormal limb alignment are commonly observed in patients who experience changes in patellofemoral joint (PFJ) function, leading many clinicians to assume that there is a direct relationship between VM structural parameters, leg alignment, and PFJ dysfunction. This study tested the hypothesis that there is a relationship between structural parameters of the VM muscle, limb alignment, and the location and severity of patellofemoral joint deterioration (PFJD). The dissection study used 32 limbs from 24 intact cadavers. Data were collected on limb alignment, angle of VM muscle fibers below the superior aspect of the patella, length of VM inserting on the medial aspect of the patella, and severity and location of PFJD. Parametric and nonparametric statistical analyses illustrated that PFJD was most commonly located on the middle third of the medial half of the patellar articular surface. The severity of PFJD did not vary with location. There was no significant correlation between any of VM insertion length, VM fiber angle, limb alignment, and PFJD location and severity lpar;r(2) < 0.34). The results of this study did not support the hypothesis of a relationship between structural parameters of the VM muscle, limb alignment, and the location and severity of PFJD in this subject group. Future research should examine the relationship between functional parameters of the entire quadriceps muscle group and PFJ dysfunction.