Background: Bladder flap hematoma is an unusual complication after cesarean section, where a hematoma forms between the bladder and the lower uterine segment. While small hematomas can be managed conservatively, large bladder flap hematomas are usually managed by drainage, laparoscopy or laparotomy.
Case presentation:We report a case of a 32-year-old lady who presented in labour, with a previous cesarean section 3 years back. Lower segment caesarean section was performed due to scar dehiscence and uterus was sutured, leaving peritoneal layers open. On the third post-operative day, she developed severe abdominal pain and ultrasound showed a large hematoma in the vesicouterine space. She was conservatively managed with antibiotics, analgesics and iron infusion. Her vital signs remained stable and repeat sonograms showed reduction in size of the hematoma. She had no further complaints and was subsequently discharged.
Conclusion:There is currently very little evidence regarding conservative management of large bladder flap hematomas. In our experience, conservative management is a safe and effective method with less patient morbidity, even for large bladder flap hematomas, provided the patient is clinically stable.