The diagnosis of ovarian pregnancy is based on the improper rise of serum beta-hCG levels, sonographic findings of an empty uterus, highly characteristic ovarian formation with double hyperechogenic ring surrounding small hypoechogenic field, and the laparoscopic verification of Spiegelberg's criteria. We present a case of ovarian pregnancy in spontaneous cycle in 34-year-old woman following two unsuccessful IVF/ET procedures and ovarian pregnancy on contralateral side laparoscopically treated seven months ago, also achieved in non-stimulated, spontaneous cycle. On admission she had a serum hCG level of 596 mIU/mL on cycle day 46 and an empty uterus. Transvaginal sonography showed a 20 mm ring-like thick-walled hyperechogenic structure within the left ovary. The echogenic ring was surrounded by irregular, hypoechogenic structures suggestive of an ovarian pregnancy with periluteal hemorrhage and blood clots. The ruptured cystic ovarian pregnancy and the corpus luteum were removed by laparoscopy. During the procedure we have seen two clips on the right ovary placed laparoscopically to achieve hemostasis after rupture of the ovarian pregnancy seven months ago. Histopathology showed isolated chorionic villi within hemorrhagic areas in the vicinity of the corpus luteum.