Let T be any of the three canonical truth theories CT − (Compositional truth without extra induction), FS − (Friedman-Sheard truth without extra induction), and KF − (Kripke-Feferman truth without extra induction), where the base theory of T is PA (Peano arithmetic). We show that T is feasibly reducible to PA, i.e., there is a polynomial time computable function f such that for any proof π of an arithmetical sentence φ in T , f (π) is a proof of φ in PA. In particular, T has at most polynomial speed-up over PA, in sharp contrast to the situation for T [B] for finitely axiomatizable base theories B. 5 Open Questions 46 6 Appendix 46 1 Introduction One of the celebrated results in the area of axiomatic theories of truth is the Krajewski-Kotlarski-Lachlan (KKL) theorem [13] that asserts that every countable recursively saturated model of PA (Peano arithmetic) is expandable to a model of CT − [PA] (compositional truth over PA with no extra induction 1 ). The KKL theorem is an overtly model-theoretic result, but it is well-known that it is equivalent to the conservativity of CT − [PA] over PA. 2 Recent proofs of the KKL theorem given by Enayat and Visser [5] (using model-theoretic techniques) and Leigh [15] (using proof-theoretic machinery) show that CT − [B] is conservative over B for every "base theory" B (i.e., a theory B that supports a modicum of coding machinery for handling elementary syntax). Leigh's proof makes it clear that if B is a base theory with a computable set of axioms, then CT − [B] is proof-theoretically reducible to B, and in particular, there is a primitive recursive function f such that for any proof π of a sentence φ in CT − [B], where φ is a sentence in the language of B, f (π) is a proof of φ in B. Indeed, Leigh's "reducing function" f is readily seen to be a provably total function of the fragment of PRA (Primitive Recursive Arithmetic) commonly known asThe main result of this paper shows that CT − [PA] is feasibly reducible to PA, i.e., there is a polynomial-time computable function f such that for any proof π of an arithmetical sentence φ in CT − [PA], f (π) is a proof of φ in PA. The feasible reducibility of CT − [PA] to PA readily implies that CT − [PA] does not exhibit significant speed-up over PA, i.e., there is a polynomial function p(x) such that for any arithmetical sentence φ, if φ is provable in CT − [PA] by a proof of length n (in some standard proof system 4 ), then φ is provable in PA by a proof of length p(n). This solves a problem posed by Enayat in 2012 [4]. The absence of significant speed up of CT − [PA] over PA implied by the feasible reducibility of CT − [PA] to PA exhibits a dramatic difference between CT − [PA] and CT − [B] for finitely axiomatized base theories B, since as shown by Fischer [7], CT − [B] has superexponential speed-up over B for finitely axiomatized base theories B, and therefore, CT − [B] is not feasibly reducible to B for finitely axiomatized base theories B. It is also known that CT − [PA] + Int (where Int is the axiom of internal induction) is conse...