Arus dan angin merupakan parameter fisika oseanografi yang dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator persebaran senyawa kimia, khususnya radionuklida di perairan. Arus di perairan sekitar PLTU yang terletak di perairan Teluk Jakarta didominasi oleh pengaruh pasang surut. Adanya PLTU menghasilkan fly ash yang sebarannya terbawa angin dan kemudian memasuki perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana arus pasang surut dan arah angin mempengaruhi persebaran NORM (Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material) di sedimen yang merupakan bahan radioaktif yang terdapat di bumi secara alami dan mengalami peningkatan akibat aktivitas PLTU. Pemodelan arus pasang surut di verifikasi dengan data observasi BIG serta kecepatan dan arah angin di interpretasikan menggunakan windrose. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kecepatan arus di sekitar perairan PLTU Muara Karang pada saat pasang tertinggi di bulan Juni 2021 berkisar antara 0,03-0,19 m/s dan saat surut terendah berkisar 0–0,15 m/s. Arus dengan kecepatan dibawah 0,5 m/s tidak berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap sebaran radionuklida di sekitar perairan PLTU, tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan bila dalam jangka waktu yang lama arus dapat menggerakkan sedimen. Kecepatan arus yang semakin besar ke arah lepas pantai akan mempengaruhi proses difusi dan adveksi. Arah angin dominan berkontribusi pada persebaran NORM yang berada di barat laut-utara PLTU, karena kekuatan anginnya hanya terpusat di sekitar PLTU sehingga mengakibatkan konsentrasi maksimum diperoleh di dekat cerobong asap.Kata kunci: Arus pasang surut, angin, sedimen, sebaran NORM, PLTU Muara Karang AbstractCurrents and winds are oceanographic physical parameters that can be used as indicators of the distribution of chemical compounds, especially radionuclides in waters. Currents in the waters around the power plant located in the waters of Jakarta Bay are dominated by tidal influences. The existence of power plant produces fly ash which is scattered by the wind and then enters the waters. The aim of the research was to determine the extent to which tidal currents and wind direction affect the distribution of NORM (Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material) in sediments which are radioactive materials found on earth naturally and have increased due to power plant activity. Tidal current modeling was verified with BIG observation data and wind speed and direction were interpreted using windrose. The results showed that the current velocity around the waters of Muara Karang power plant at the highest tide in June 2021 ranged from 0.03-0.19 m/s and at low tide it ranged 0–0.15 m/s. Currents with velocities below 0.5 m/s have no direct effect on the distribution of radionuclides around the waters of the power plant, but it is possible if the currents can move sediment for a long time. The higher the current velocity offshore will affect the diffusion and advection processes. The dominant wind direction contributes to the distribution of NORM which is in the northwest-north of the power plant, because the wind strength is only concentrated around the power plant so that the maximum concentration is obtained near the chimney.Keywords : Tidal current, wind, sediment, NORM distribution, Muara Karang power plant