The key purpose of this paper is to propose a mono-slip-dependent continuum dislocation method for matrix-dominated composite structure (MDCS) analysis. The methodology focuses on dissipation energy theories utilizing a continuum dislocation method (CDM) integrated with small-strain kinematics. The mathematical modeling of the CDM comprises active mono-slip system formulations, thermodynamic dislocation analysis (TDA), free energy dissipation analysis, and the progression of dislocations. Furthermore, zero and non-zero energy dissipation due to dislocation progression is formulated by using an energy minimization technique with variational calculus. The numerical analysis, performed with Wolfram Mathematica©, is presented using zero and non-zero energy dissipation energy formulations. The outcomes indicate that the formulated approach can be effective for obtaining optimal analysis results for matrix-dominated composite (MDC) materials with a mono-slip system. In sum, this study confirms the feasibility of using the proposed approach to investigate MDCS with inclusions.