This work provides an in-depth understanding of different breakup mechanisms for fluid particles in turbulent flows. All the disruptive and cohesive stresses are considered for the entire turbulent energy spectrum and their contributions to the breakup are evaluated. A new modeling framework is presented that bridges across turbulent subranges. The model entails different mechanisms for breakup by abandoning the classical limitation of inertial models. The predictions are validated with experiments encompassing both breakup regimes for droplets stabilized by internal viscosity and interfacial tension down to the micrometer length scale, which covers both the inertial and dissipation subranges. The model performance ensures the reliability of the framework, which involves different mechanisms. It retains the breakup rate for inertial models, improves the predictions for the transition region from inertia to dissipation, and bridges seamlessly to Kolmogorov-sized droplets. K E Y W O R D S mathematical modeling, multiphase flow, process, simulation, turbulence 1 | INTRODUCTION The size distribution of fluid particles within a continuous medium is of vital importance for different industrial applications. In multiphase processes, knowledge of size distribution determines the rate of momentum, heat and mass transport. The mathematical framework commonly used to tackle this problem is population balance modeling, which requires closure terms for the breakup and coalescence of the dispersed fluid particles. 1,2 The present work concentrates on the breakup mechanisms of fluid particles in turbulent flows.The pioneering models for breakup were formulated by Rayleigh in the nineteenth century for jet flows, and considered dynamic stresses and surface tension. 3 Taylor, 4,5 on the other hand, has shown the relevance of viscous stresses for droplet distortions when the droplets are very small or when the continuous phase is highly viscous. Balancing the deforming and stabilizing stresses, Hinze has proposed a formulation for the maximum stable droplet diameter (d max ) for dispersion in turbulent flows. 6 The above advancements have paved the way for further developments in the field. Typically, the ratio between counteracting stresses acting on fluid particles represents a dimensionless number that indicates the probable breakup mechanism. For instance, when inertia is the principal cause of breakup, a critical Weber number is quantified, and the break up takes place above this number; examples can be found in Reference 7-9 . The other scenario is the definition of a critical Capillary number (i.e., the ratio of viscous stress over surface stresses) for viscous laminar flows. [10][11][12] Although the dimensionless numbers are a relevant means for interpreting the breakup process, relying on dimensionless numbers to explain the complicated physical phenomenon that occurs during the breakup in turbulent multiphase systems is too simplistic. 13,14 Thus, later breakup models are inclined toward the dynamics of bubble or drople...