Abstract.Researches of nonstationary processes of heating up of sensitive elements of thermocouples by means of one-dimensional and two-dimensional mathematical models of heat transfer are conducted. By the created models are defined duration of heating up of the sensitive elements necessary for achievement of the temperature of the thermocouple within a permissible deviation from rated direct current characteristic for three types of thermocouples -K, L and S. Distinctions in the results received by means of onedimensional and two-dimensional models of heat transfer are shown and justified. For surface thermo-electric transformers, temperature measurement conditions are simulated in case of different value of air gap between the heater and thermocouple surface. It is shown that the value of a gap has an essential impact on minimum necessary time of measurement. Change of duration of heating up of thermocouple from heatphysical characteristics of the typical materials which are used in the case of manufacture of sensing elements is probed.