In her comparative international study of local initiatives in three continents, Ruiz-Campillo's (2022) article contributes strongly to research on policy diffusion regarding climate action and sustainable development. Turning to issues of the EU democratic deficit, Ghibellini (2022) argues that, before attempting to enhance the bonding power of EU citizenship, the Union first needs to strengthen its still-weak political foundations in the wake of post-pandemic health care, economic, and populistic/ nationalistic challenges in the region.Our next two articles focus on Africa. Onyango and Ondiek (2022) compare COVID-19 policy responses in Kenya and South Africa and show how they led to increased open innovation strategies and enhanced government use of technology in both cases (cf. regarding China, Liu & Zhu, 2021). Iwuoha and others (2022) critically examine the problems involved in Nigeria's public-private partnership established to regulate its maritime ports. And finally, Falkenström and Svallfors (2022) study knowledge-driven management in Swedish health-care governance and the risks implicated in its implementation for professional learning (see also Svallfors et al., 2022).We hope you enjoy the excellent original research articles in this issue of P&P and, as always, we look forward to your continued article submissions at