Open Distributed Processing (ODP) is a joint standardisation activity of the ISO and lTV. A reference model has been defined which describes an architecture for building open distributed systems. This paper introduces the key aspects of the reference model of open distributed processing, including the ODP conformance framework. We discuss how specific formal techniques are used in the ODP viewpoints, along with the implications for conformance assessment using such techniques. Particular attention is given to the role of consistency in the conformance assessment process. Finally, we review the current work on an ODP conformance testing methodology.Keywords: Open Distributed Processing; Conformance; Formal Description Techniques.
THE OPEN DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING MODELOpen Distributed Processing (ODP) (29) is a joint standardisation activity of the ISO and ITU. A reference model has been defined which describes an architecture for building open distributed systems [36,33). Central to this architecture is a viewpoints model. This enables distributed systems to be described from a number of different perspectives. There are five viewpoints : enterprise, in/ormation, computational, engineering and technology. Requirements and specifications of an ODP system can be made from any of these viewpoints.The framework for the standardization of Open Distributed Processing is provided by the Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP), the essential, normative parts of which were completed early in 1995. The RM-ODP gives a structure for a family of standards for common interfaces, reusable components and supporting notations needed for the establishment of a wide range of distributed systems.The reference model is published as ISO 10746, and is in four parts (