The estimation of a linear equation from panel data with measurement errors is considered. The equation is estimated (I) by methods operating on the equation in differenced period means, and (II) by Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) procedures using (a) the equation in differences with instruments in levels and (b) the equation in levels with instruments in differences. Both difference transformations eliminate unobserved individual heterogeneity. Examples illustrating the input response to output changes for materials and capital inputs from an eight year panel of Norwegian manufacturing firms, are given.Notes 1 Identification under non-normality of the true regressor is, however, possible by utilizing moments of the distribution of the observable variables of order higher than the second [see Reiersøl (1950)]. Even under non-identification, bounds on the parameters can be established from the distribution of the observable variables [see Fuller (1987, p. 11)]. These bounds may be wide or narrow, depending on the covariance structure of the variables; see, e.g., Klepper and Leamer (1984) and Bekker et al. (1987). 2 The last two assumptions are stronger than strictly needed; time invariance of E(α i v it ) and E(α i u it ) is sufficient. A modification to this effect will be of minor practical importance, however.3 Premultiplication of (4) by d tθ is not the only way of eliminating α i . Any (1 × T ) vector c tθ such that c tθ e T = 0, for example the rows of the within individual transformation matrix I T − e T e T /T , where I T is the T dimensional identity matrix, has this property. 4 Here and in the following plim always denotes probability limits when N goes to infinity and T is finite. 5 We report no standard error estimates in Table 24.1, since some of the methods are inconsistent. 6 The OC's involving y's can be treated similarly. Essential and redundant moment conditions in the context of AR models for panel data are discussed in, inter alia, Ahn and Schmidt (1995), Bover (1995), andBlundell and Bond (2000). This problem resembles, in some respects, the problem for static measurement error models discussed here. 7 All numerical calculations are performed by means of procedures constructed by the author in the GAUSS software code.