In this paper, we study the space of translational limits T (M ) of a surface M properly embedded in R 3 with nonzero constant mean curvature and bounded second fundamental form. There is a natural map T which assigns to any surface Σ ∈ T (M ), the set T (Σ) ⊂ T (M ). Among various dynamics type results we prove that surfaces in minimal T -invariant sets of T (M ) are chord-arc. We also show that if M has an infinite number of ends, then there exists a nonempty minimal T -invariant set in T (M ) consisting entirely of surfaces with planes of Alexandrov symmetry. Finally, when M has a plane of Alexandrov symmetry, we prove the following characterization theorem: M has finite topology if and only if M has a finite number of ends greater than one. Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 53A10, Secondary 49Q05, 53C42