Abstract. We classify finite-to-one factor maps between shifts of finite type up to almost topological conjugacy.
IntroductionIn [2], shifts of finite type (SFT) were classified up to almost topological conjugacy. The purpose of this paper is to classify finite-to-one continuous factor maps between shifts of finite type. We consider two equivalence relations. The first is very strong: two maps are equivalent if they have the same range shift and they differ by a special kind of almost continuous change of variables in the domain; for a fixed range shift and a fixed generic cardinality of the fibre of the factor maps (a natural invariant), we get infinitely many equivalence classes. The second (more natural) equivalence relation allows the same kind of change of variables in the range (as well as in the domain) and gives only finitely many equivalence classes (for a fixed entropy class and generic cardinality of the fibre). For the latter classification, we reduce the problem to a group action problem which was solved by us in [1]. Our results are completely analogous to and were inspired by those of D. Rudolph [10] in the measure-theoretic category (i.e. classification of finite-to-one factor maps between Bernoulli shifts). Our work is basically a more concrete version of Rudolph's work. In particular, let T be a Bernoulli shift whose measure-theoretic entropy (log (A)) is the same as the topological entropy of an aperiodic SFT; then for any finite-to-one factor map of T, we construct (theorem 4.3) an equivalent (in the measure-theoretic sense) factor map w:2 A ->S B , where 2 B is an arbitrary aperiodic SFT of entropy log (A) and S A is some aperiodic SFT of entropy log (A). (In general, 2 A cannot be chosen arbitrarily.) It would perhaps have been most natural for us to classify our factor maps with respect to continuous changes of variables (i.e. topological conjugacy) since, after all, our factor maps are continuous themselves. But the simplest case of this, when the factor maps involved are identity maps, reduces to the classical topological conjugacy problem for shifts of finite type-which is not yet solved satisfactorily.For background, we basically refer to [2]. We use the notation 2 A for an SFT defined by 0-1 transition matrix A, cr A for the shift, and L A for the alphabet (or