The mass spectrum of pure Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions is discussed for an arbitrary simple gauge algebra within a quasigluon picture. The general structure of the low-lying gluelump and two-quasigluon glueball spectrum is shown to be common to all algebras, while the lightest C = − three-quasigluon glueballs only exist when the gauge algebra is A r≥2 , that is in particular su(N ≥ 3). Higher-lying C = − glueballs are shown to exist only for the A r≥2 , D odd−r≥4 and E 6 gauge algebras. The shape of the static energy between adjoint sources is also discussed assuming the Casimir scaling hypothesis and a funnel form; it appears to be gauge-algebra dependent when at least three sources are considered. As a main result, the present framework's predictions are shown to be consistent with available lattice data in the particular case of an su(N ) gauge algebra within 't Hooft's large-N