When atmosphere from cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L., var. Deltapine Smoothleaf) was condensed by passing it over the expansion coil of an air conditioner and three 1-hour collections per day (early morning, noon, and late afternoon) were made, the total essential oils were found to consist of 50 to 60% 8-bisabolol (lk 1660) and y-bisabolene (Ix 1550) and 30 to 40% geraniol (1x 1250), myrtenal (1k 1328), nerolidol (Ix 1520), and ,B-caryophyllene oxide (1k 1590). As the plant matured, trans-2-hexanol was produced in concentrations of 7 to 27%. Before fruiting, 3-bisabolol made up as much as 60% of the total essential oil transpired by the plants, and as the concentration of /3-bisabolol increased, that of y-bisabolene decreased.Ample laboratory (3, 6) and field (12) of the transpired components, the water condensed by the air conditioner was collected every 15 min from the expansion coils, and the volume was measured. Samples of water collected over a period of 1 hr three times a day, from 0800 to 0900, from 1300 to 1400, and from 1700 to 1800 hr CST were pooled for analysis. Measurements of humidity made at the end of each period permitted adjustment of the changes in transpiration by changes in the water content of the air. The water from each hourly collection was extracted three times with 300-ml portions of dichloromethane. Then the combined extracts were dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate and filtered, and the solvent was removed at 35 C. The resulting oil was diluted to a constant volume for gas-liquid chromatography.Gas Chromatographic Analysis. The oils were subjected to GLC3 at the following conditions: 3.2 mm X 3.047 m stainless steel column packed with 10% SE-30 on 60/80 mesh Chromosorb-P treated with hexamethyl disilazane. Carrier gas flow (N2) was at a rate of 50 ml/min; column temperature was 175 C; injector and detector temperatures were 180 and 195 C, respectively. Kovats' indices (7) were obtained by GLC of a series of normal hydrocarbons at the same conditions. These values, e.g., decane = 1000. undecane = 1100, reflect GLC effective molecular weights (5) which aid in the evaluation of the GLC profile. The GLC peak assignments were made with reference to our previous structural work (8, 10, 11).Quantitation. Standard samples of decane and /3-bisabolol were diluted with heptane, and a known quantity was gas chromatographed using the same conditions as the essential oils. Peak area was measured by triangulation, and the total area for both standards was normalized to 100% so the value for each component was a percentage. Therefore, the nonlinear relationship of component concentration to peak area was adjusted by using two standards. Decane and heptadecane were added to the samples as internal standards.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table I gives the concentration of oil present in the water condensate from three daily collections from 23 plants in the closed system on 10 days within a period of 24 days from September 9 to October 2. At the time of initial samplings, the plant was beginni...