Gangliosides, an important group of glycosphingolipids due to their biological functions, 1) are characterized by the presence of one or more moles of sialic acid, N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc) or N-glycolylneuraminic acid (NeuGc), in their carbohydrate parts. In general, naturally occurring sialic acids have been believed to be the D-form on the basis of biosynthetic evidence, i.e., NeuAc is synthesized from pyruvic acid and N-acetyl-D-mannosamine enzymatically.
2)However, there has been no report on the determination of the absolute configuration of the sialic acid residues in gangliosides. We attempted to determine the absolute configuration (D or L) of the sialic acid residues in the gangliosides 3,4) from the sea cucumber Cucumaria echinata.For the determination of the absolute configuration of aldoses in gangliosides, we have used the Hara method.5) However, this method cannot be applied to sialic acids directly. Therefore we prepared aldose from sialic acid, preserving the absolute configuration of the parent sialic acid, and then applied the Hara method to the aldose. As shown in Fig. 1, D(L)-arabinose should be obtained from D(L)-sialic acid in the process. First, this assumption was proved.D-NeuAc (1) was acetylated to give pentaacetate (2), which was methanolyzed with HCl-MeOH to yield methyl 2-O-methylneuraminate (3). Protection of the diol in the side chain of 3 with acetone afforded an isopropyridene derivative (4). Oxidation of 4 with NaIO 4 gave a dial derivative (5). Finally, compound 5 was hydrolyzed to separate arabinose (6). The absolute configuration of 6 was verified as being the Dform using the Hara method. On the other hand, L-NeuAc (7), which was synthesized from L-glucose using the authentic method, 6) gave L-arabinose in the same manner as 1. Thus the fact that D(L)-sialic acid could be converted to D(L)-arabinose was confirmed, as shown in Fig. 1.Next, this method was applied to the gangliosides SJG-1, CG-1, CEG-3, CEG-4, CEG-5, CEG-6, HLG-3, CEG-8, and CEG-9 3,4) from the sea cucumber C. echinata. The nine gangliosides were each methanolyzed and the sialic acid derivatives (3) produced were converted to ketals (4). Periodic acid oxidation of 4 followed by acidic hydrolysis of the oxidation products 5 gave arabinoses (6). Compound 6, obtained from each ganglioside, was determined to be the D-form using the Hara method, as shown in Fig. 2. Accordingly, the sialic acid residues (NeuAc and NeuGc) in the gangliosides from C. echinata must be the D-form. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the determination of the absolute configuration of the sialic acid
Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Sialic Acids inGangliosides from the Sea Cucumber Cucumaria echinata Fumiaki KISA, Koji YAMADA, Tomofumi MIYAMOTO, Masanori INAGAKI, and Ryuichi HIGUCHI* Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University; 3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan. Received March 15, 2007; accepted April 6, 2007 Enantiomeric pairs of sialic acid, D-and L-NeuAc (N-...