We examine the dynamics of an active nematic liquid crystal on a frictional substrate. When frictional damping dominates over viscous dissipation, we eliminate flow in favor of active stresses to obtain a minimal dynamical model for the nematic order parameter, with elastic constants renormalized by activity. The renormalized elastic constants can become negative at large activity, leading to the selection of spatially inhomogeneous patterns via a mechanism analogous to that responsible for modulated phases arising at an equilibrium Lifshitz point. Tuning activity and the degree of nematic order in the passive system, we obtain a linear stability phase diagram that exhibits a nonequilibrium tricritical point where ordered, modulated and disordered phases meet. Numerical solution of the nonlinear equations yields a succession of spatial structures of increasing complexity with increasing activity, including kink walls and active turbulence, as observed in experiments on microtubule bundles confined at an oil-water interface. Our work provides a minimal model for an overdamped active nematic that reproduces all the nonequilibrium structures seen in simulations of the full active nematic hydrodynamics and provides a framework for understanding some of the mechanisms for selection of the nonequilibrium patterns in the language of equilibrium critical phenomena.Active systems are continuously driven out of equilibrium by energy injected at the local scale and generate collective motion at the large scale. Examples include bacterial colonies, in vitro extracts of cytoskeletal filaments and motor proteins, and living cells 1 . Elongated active particles can order in states with liquid crystalline order. The emergent behavior of such 'living' liquid crystals has been described using liquid crystal hydrodynamics, modified to include the local energy input from active processes 2,3 . This work has highlighted a rich variety of collective phenomena, including spontaneous laminar flow, pattern formation, spontaneous unbinding of topological defects, and active turbulence 4-13 . Previous studies have established that bulk active nematics are generically unstable 1,3,14,15 . Confinement, on the other hand, has profound effects on active fluids. It damps the flow 16,17 and suppresses the generic instability of unbound systems, resulting in a finite activity threshold for the onset of spontaneously flowing states 8,18 . Frictional damping due to confinement plays a key role in experimental realizations of active systems. In bacterial suspensions channel confinement was shown to stabilize vortex In confined nematics the energy input from active stresses is dissipated both via viscous flows that mediate hydrodynamic interactions between the active units and via friction with a substrate. Systems where viscous dissipation dominates so that frictional damping is negligible and momentum is conserved are referred to as 'wet', while those where dissipation is mainly controlled by friction are referred to as 'dry'. Previous work has ex...