In this study, reference is made to a mixed
numerical-experimental methodology proposed in Fedele
et al. (J Mech Physics Solids 57(7):1003–1016, 2009),
based on full-field kinematic measurements at the microscale
provided by 2D Digital Image Correlation. The aim
was to estimate mechanical properties of joints or interfaces
in industrial manufacts. An adhesively bonded assembly
for aerospace engineering was characterized by the above
methodology, optically monitoring a small subdomain over
the sample surface during non-conventional mixed mode
experiments. An extension of the original approach is proposed
herein, since the estimation of cohesive parameters,
and the identification of the “actual” displacements to be
prescribed locally along the boundary, are tackled simultaneously in a coupled framework. Due to ill-posedness and high dimensionality of the extended inverse formulation,
exceeding a few thousand unknowns, recourse is made to an
alternating minimization strategy. Suitable regularizing provisions are implemented, concerning the a priori regularity
of boundary displacements and an equilibrium (Neumann)
condition along the debonded part of the joint