“…Two days after doxycycline injection, at E5.5 (n 5 2), most control EGFP-targeted neural crest-derived cells on the olfactory nerve expressed the OEC marker Sox10, as expected (Barraud et al, 2010) ( Figure 2a (Joseph et al, 2004) and/or perivascular cells, which are neural crest-derived in the region of the forebrain (Etchevers, Vincent, Le Douarin, & Couly, 2001); indeed, the perivascular cell marker Pdgfrb is detectable in some cells on the olfactory nerve at E6.5 (Miller, Perera, & Baker, 2017).] Immunostaining for the neuronal RNAbinding proteins Elavl3/Elavl4 (HuC/D, hereafter Elavl3/4; Okano & Darnell, 1997;Pascale, Amadio, & Quattrone, 2008) Overall, these data show that blocking Notch/Rbpj signaling in cranial neural crest-derived cells for two days from E3.5 (when Mpzpositive cells in the OEC lineage can first be identified on the olfactory nerve; Drapkin & Silverman, 1999) resulted in a majority of the targeted cells on the olfactory nerve adopting a neuronal fate (distinct from migrating GnRH neurons, which are olfactory placode-derived; Barraud et al, 2010;Sabado, Barraud, Baker, & Streit, 2012).…”