Spectrum management and device coordination for Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) networks have received significant research attention. However, current wireless devices have yet to fully embrace DSA networks due to the difficulties in realizing spectrumagile communications. We address the practical hurdles and present solutions towards implementing DSA devices, answering an important question "what is a simple practical extension to current wireless devices that makes them spectrum-agile?" To this end, we propose RODIN, a general per-frame spectrum-shaping protocol that has the following features to support DSA in commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) wireless devices: (a) direct manipulation of passband signals from COTS devices, (b) fast FPGA-based spectrum shaping, and (c) a novel preamble design for spectrum agreement. RODIN uses an FPGA-based spectrum shaper together with a preamble I-FOP to achieve per-frame spectrum shaping with a delay of under 10µs.