Motivated by the recent resurrection of the evidence for an eV scale sterile neutrino from the MiniBooNE experiment, we revisit one of the most minimal seesaw model known as the minimal extended seesaw that gives rise to a 3+1 light neutrino mass matrix. We consider the presence of A 4 flavour symmetry which plays a non-trivial role in generating the structure of the neutrino mass matrix. Considering a diagonal charged lepton mass matrix and generic vacuum alignments of A 4 triplet flavons, we classify the resulting mass matrices based on their textures. Keeping aside the disallowed texture zeros based on earlier studies of 3 + 1 neutrino textures, we categorise the remaining ones based on texture zeros, μ-τ symmetry in the 3 × 3 block and hybrid textures. After pointing out the origin of such 3 + 1 neutrino textures to A 4 vacuum alignments, we use the latest 3 + 1 neutrino oscillation data and numerically analyse the texture zeros and μ-τ symmetric cases. We find that a few of them are allowed from each category predicting interesting correlations between neutrino parameters. We also find that all of these allowed cases prefer normal hierarchical pattern of light neutrino masses over inverted hierarchy.
Hybrid texture caseAll 296 hybrid textures can be classified into following categories depending upon constraints satisfied by them.(i) 12 matrices with 6 complex constraints:ii) 6 matrices with 6 complex constraints:iii) 6 matrices with 6 complex constraints:(v) 8 matrices with 4 complex constraints:vi) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints:vii) 8 matrices with 4 complex constraints:(viii) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M μμ = M μτ , M eμ = M μτ , M eτ = M τ τ (ix) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M eμ = M μτ , M eμ = −M μμ , M eτ = M τ τ (x) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M eμ = M μμ , M eμ = −M μτ , M eμ + M eτ = M μτ + M τ τ (xi) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M μμ = M μτ , M eμ = −M μμ , M eτ + M μμ = M eμ + M τ τ (xii) 7 matrices with 2 complex constraints: M eμ = M μμ , M eμ = M μτ (xiii) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M μμ − M eτ = M μτ + M τ τ , M μμ = −M μτ , M eμ = M μτ (xiv) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M eμ = M μμ , M eμ = −M μτ , M eτ = −M τ τ (xv) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M μμ = M μτ , M eμ = −M μμ , M τ τ = −M eτ (xvi) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M eμ = M eτ , M eτ = M μτ , M eτ = M τ τ (xvii) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M eμ = M μτ , M eτ = M τ τ , M eμ = −M eτ (xviii) 8 matrices with 4 complex constraints: M eμ = −M eτ , M eμ = −M μτ , M μτ = −M τ τ , M eμ = M τ τ (xix) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M eμ = M eτ , M μτ = M τ τ , M eμ = −M μτ (xx) 16 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M eμ = −M eτ , M μμ = M τ τ , 2M eμ + M μμ − M μτ = 0 M eμ = −M eτ , M μμ = M τ τ , M μs = −M τ s , M μτ = −M τ τ (xxii) 8 matrices with 4 complex constraints: M eμ = −M μμ , M eτ = M μτ , M eτ = M τ τ , M eμ − M μμ + M eτ + M μτ − 2M τ τ = 0 (xxiii) 8 matrices with 3 complex constraints: M eτ = M τ τ , M eτ = −M μτ , M eμ...