We perform a general model-independent analysis of b → cτν τ transitions, including measurements of R D , R D * , their q 2 differential distributions, the recently measured longitudinal D * polarization F D * L , and constraints from the B c → τν τ lifetime, each of which has significant impact on the fit. A global fit to a general set of Wilson coefficients of an effective low-energy Hamiltonian is presented, the solutions of which are interpreted in terms of hypothetical new-physics mediators. From the obtained results we predict selected b → cτν τ observables, such as the baryonic transition Λ b → Λ c τν τ , the ratio R J/ψ , the forward-backward asymmetries A D ( * ) FB , the τ polarization asymmetries P D ( * ) τ , and the longitudinal D * polarization fraction F D * L . The latter shows presently a slight tension with any new-physics model, such that an improved measurement could have an important impact. We also discuss the potential change due the very recently announced preliminary R D ( * ) measurement by the Belle collaboration.