The strength of neutron star crust is crucial for modelling magnetar flares, pulsar glitches and gravitational wave emission. We aim to shed some light on this problem by analysing uniaxial stretch deformation (elongation and contraction) of perfect bodycentered cubic Coulomb crystals, paying special attention to the inherent anisotropy of this process. Our analysis is based on the semi-analytical approach of Baiko & Kozhberov (2017), which, for any uniform deformation, allows one to calculate, in fully non-linear regime, critical deformation parameters beyond which the lattice loses its dynamic stability. We determine critical strain, pressure anisotropy and deformation energy for any stretch direction with respect to the crystallographic axes. These quantities are shown to be strongly anisotropic: they vary by a factor of almost 10 depending on the orientation of the deformation axis. For polycrystalline crust, we argue that the maximum strain for the stretch deformation sustainable elastically is 0.04. It is lower than the breaking strain of 0.1 obtained in molecular dynamic simulations of a shear deformation by Horowitz & Kadau (2009). The maximum pressure anisotropy of polycrystalline matter is estimated to be in the range from 0.005 to 0.014 nZ 2 e 2 /a, where n is the ion number density, Ze is the ion charge, and a is the ion-sphere radius. We discuss possible mechanisms of plastic motion and formation of large crystallites in neutron star crust as well as analyse energy release associated with breaking of such crystallites in the context of magnetic field evolution and magnetar flaring activity.