Hydrogen-line emission, thought to come from an accretion shock, has recently been observed at planetarymass objects, and current and upcoming dedicated instruments should reveal many more sources. Previous work predicted the shock spectrum in the case of a shock on the circumplanetary disc. However no extensive investigation has been done on the planet-surface shock. Our main goals are to calculate the global spectral energy distribution (SED) of an accreting planet by combining our model emission spectra with photospheric SEDs, and to predict the line-integrated flux for different hydrogen lines, focusing on H 𝛼 but including also H 𝛽, Pa 𝛼, Pa 𝛽, Pa 𝛾, Br 𝛼, and Br 𝛾. We apply our non-equilibrium emission calculations to the surface accretion shock for the relevant large parameter space of accretion rate 𝑀 and mass 𝑀 p . In contrast to our previous model, fits to formation calculations provide radii and effective temperatures. We do not consider extinction by the preshock material in this work. We find that the H 𝛼 line luminosity increases monotonically with 𝑀 and 𝑀 p , ranging from 10 −8 to 10 −4 𝐿 , depending mostly on the accretion rate and weakly on the mass for the relevant range of parameters. We apply the result to the observed planets around PDS 70 and demonstrate that the estimated accretion rate is consistent with previous studies. The Lyman, Balmer, and Paschen continua can be visible above the photosphere. The H 𝛽 line ranges between 0.1 and ≈ 1 times the H 𝛼 flux, whereas other lines are weaker (∼ 0.001-0.1). Based on spectroscopic observations, a shock on the planetary surface and on the CPD surface can be distinguished at very high spectral resolution. The planet surface shock however likely dominates in total intensity if both are present. These predictions of the luminosity in H 𝛼 and other lines serve as a baseline prediction or conversely as a tool for interpreting observations of accreting planets.