Advanced ground-based gravitational-wave detectors are capable of measuring tidal influences in binary neutron-star systems. In this work, we report on the statistical uncertainties in measuring tidal deformability with a full Bayesian parameter estimation implementation. We show how simultaneous measurements of chirp mass and tidal deformability can be used to constrain the neutron-star equation of state. We also study the effects of waveform modeling bias and individual instances of detector noise on these measurements. We notably find that systematic error between post-Newtonian waveform families can significantly bias the estimation of tidal parameters, thus motivating the continued development of waveform models that are more reliable at high frequencies. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.103012 PACS numbers: 95.85.Sz, 26.60.Kp
I. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATIONAdvanced interferometric gravitational-wave (GW) detectors currently under construction are expected to begin operating in the next few years. Advanced LIGO [1] is expected to achieve its design sensitivity c. 2019 [2], at which time the detection rate of binary neutron-star (BNS) events in a single detector is expected to be ∼40 yr −1 , though this value is quite uncertain and ranges from 0.4 − 400 yr −1 [3]. When a compact binary coalescence (CBC) signal is detected [4,5], the corresponding interferometer data stream segment is sent through a parameter estimation pipeline to determine the source parameters of the system. Some of these source parameters include the binary component masses and spins, the sky location, distance, and orientation of the system. Bayesian inference is used to explore the probability distribution of the CBC's source parameters by comparing model waveform templates, whose form depends on these source parameters, to the data stream segment containing the GW. For this work, we use LALINFERENCE_MCMC, which is included in the LALINFERENCE LSC Algorithm Library [6], as our parameter estimation pipeline. It is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler designed to efficiently explore the full waveform parameter space in order to make reliable and meaningful statements about CBC source parameters [7][8][9]. This paper's focus is on measuring the effect of tidal influence on BNS GW signals with advanced detectors. Neutron stars (NSs) in merging CBC systems will be tidally deformed by the gravitational gradient of their companion across their finite diameter. This effect is insignificant at large separations but becomes increasingly significant as the NSs near each other [10]. The internal structure of a NS, which is characterized by its equation of state (EOS), determines how much each star will deform. The amount that a NS deforms will affect the orbital decay rate, which is encoded in the observed gravitational waveform. Therefore, if a gravitational signal from a BNS system is detected, then such a detection could provide insight into the NS EOS [10][11][12][13].In order to make meaningful statements regarding the recoverability of tidal param...